About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > White River Trail

White River Trail Photos
Burlington to Elkhorn

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The White River Trail sign at the western trail head

The sign in the photo above is at the western end of the White River Trail near Elkhorn, WIsconsin. There is a good size parking lot here and you can purchase trail passes here too. There is also picnic table here which is where we stopped and had a snack before heading back east to Burlington.

The White River Trail near Burlington

We actually started our ride on the western leg of the White River Trail in Burlington, Wisconsin just off of Spring Valley Road. The trail is crushed stone and mostly flat and straight.

A downed traa on the trail near Springfield

Just east of Springfield, Wi and the Pedal & Cup restaurant we came across the downed tree in the trail as seen in the photo above.

Dara riding around the downed tree on the WRT

It was a little difficult getting by but Dara rode around it as you can see in this photo. I hung back, took some photos then ended up walking around it myself.

The parking lot at the western WRT trail head

OK, fast forward quite a few miles and here we are at the trail head at the western end of the trail near Elkhorn, Wisconsin. There is a large parking lot here along with a picnic table where we took a break and had a snack before heading back east to Burlington again.

A bench along the trail

There is a nice canopy of trees over much of the trail and places to take a break, if necessary, like at the bench shown above.

The White River Cycling Club bench.

Apparently, there is a "White River Cycling Club" as you can see by the engraving on the bench here.

Wide view of the trail

One of the nice features of a lot of phone cameras these days is the panoramic option. I like to get a few wide angle photos of the trails that I ride these days to show the trail along with the surrounding area. In this case a lot of the trail goes through open farm lands as you can see above.

See the next photo page for another panoramic view of the trail.


White River Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the White River Bike Trail including the west and east legs of the trail out of Burlington, Wisconsin. This ride was from June, 2015.

White River Trail Home

White River Trail Photos 1 - Burlington to Elkhorn < you are here
White River Trail Photos 2 - Through Springfield and Lyons
White River Trail Photos 3 - Old Railway Bridge and East Leg

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.